Do you have a favorite Easter memory? When I was 9 years old and my brother was 5 we woke up early Easter morning to find the Easter baskets our parents had hidden around the house. Once all the treats had been discovered I went outside to get the newspaper and found a HUGE basket on the front porch full of goodies. I called out to the rest of my family and as I excitedly showed my brother everything I saw my parents quizzically staring at each other. They had no idea where that basket came from! It turns out a dear family friend had left that for us without telling my parents. For a few minutes I was convinced that maybe that Easter bunny was the real deal!
I’ve been thinking about Easter memories in the context of our theme for this school year “New in Christ” based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. How exactly did we become this “new creation” our theme verse talks about? How did our old sinful self “pass away” and become replaced by someone holy in God’s sight? We will celebrate the answer this Sunday – Easter! Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross and then rose again on Easter morning so that we could be new. His perfect life and sacrifice on our behalf made us new – sins forgiven, mercy received, made clean and pure by the blood of Jesus the Lamb. He is risen! And we are made new! Have a blessed and joyous Easter celebration – and don’t forget to check the front porch.