Well, here we are in the middle of January. How are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions? Have you been to the gym every day? Spent less time on social media? Cooked only healthy meals and skipped the sugary snacks? I hope you’re doing better than most people. Research suggests that 80% of folks abandon their resolutions within the first month. I know when I struggle, I often attribute it to a lack of willpower. I can’t seem to exert enough self-control to persevere in the face of adversity or temptation. Maybe you feel the same way sometimes.
I’ve been thinking about our lack of willpower in the context of the theme for this school year “Feel the Power!” based on 2 Timothy 1:7. The truth is that as sinful, broken, flawed human beings we will never have enough willpower to reach all our goals. We grow weary, we make excuses, and we lack the fortitude and wisdom to keep going in face of the obstacles this world throws at us. I don’t have a magic formula to help you achieve your resolutions – but I can offer Psalm 68:35: “Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people.” Perhaps the way for us to successfully pursue our resolutions is to acknowledge we don’t have the necessary willpower. Instead, we can place our faith and trust in God and discover a strength that is greater than any human willpower. There is no failure of health, spirit, or willpower that will be bigger than God’s love for you in Christ.
I’ll close with Psalm 73:26: “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”